(I would love some color advice from you all, which is sought after my ramblings, thanks!)
Today is most certainly one of my favorite days, minus the fact that my younger daughter is sick with an ear infection and possible sinus infection. Why is today such a favorite day? Well for starters 2 1/2 rooms are done in my house, soon it will be a total of 3. Well actually the guest/craft room was just painted so that room is also on it's way to being finished. My two daughter's rooms are done and the 1/2 finished bedroom is my son's. I have been working on his Nautical/Pirate room but it is taking some time. His mural is a pretty detailed paint by number one which requires tracing the image on the wall then going back and painting. It is going slow but I am making progress. I have to say his room will probably be one of my favorites in the house (second to mine of course)! I will come back with a full picture post of his room soon. I wish I had daily projects that would give me something to blog about, I could of course come on here each and every day and tell you how I painted stripes, that I painted the pirate boy's hair, now his eye patch, okay today I painted boots, today I made an Ikea trip and here is my haul... yeah, I don't think that will work.. BUT today, today I do have something fantastic to share. I have dreamed about the Colette Bed from Crate and Barrel forever, okay not forever but I have dreamed about having an upholstered platform bed for a long time. Once I saw the Colette, I knew it would be the bed that would fullfill my dream. I have talked about this bed to my husband and God love him, he never once said "women, you're crazy!" He just smiled and said it was nice, and he never squashed that little dream for me. Well, the work in my son's room is mine to finish and my hubby wants to get started on painting our room. In order to do that I had to find a duvet cover to set the color tone and I invited him to join me for a browse at Pottery Barn, he couldn't wait! I selected the new Lewis Paisley Duvet, and the Silk Channel quilt in Ivory. I can't quite figure out the base color of the duvet, but it in the blue-green color with beige/tan/greige colors.. so pretty! My husband is very particular about bedding weight, he doesn't like anything heavy. We looked a a few of the quilts and he liked the weight of the Silk Channel quilt. This quilt was also displayed with the duvet. Unfortunately it was sold out in their store, other local stores and when they looked on-line it is on back-order until April. That is a long time! Fortunately they located one at an out of town store, which will be shipped this week.
Now, I am trying to decide on colors and I would really appreciate your help on this. I go between wanting a cozy spa like feel to the room to wanting it light and airy. I found two Behr colors called Verdigris and Silver Sage which look lovely against the duvet:
These ones are various tans:
This is Colette!
This is our bedroom (picture from the listing), the doors on the right were taken down and walled off. It lead to my son's room, which he thought was great.
I think the top colors have the more serene spa feel to it. I also really liked the way tan/greige/ivory colors looked and I think this would give the room a different feel. The bed is a natural linen color and I don't want it to blend into the wall. One idea I had was to paint the room a Ivory/tan color and the master bath the blue/green color. My call out to you is to ask where you would go with color. I also need to select drapery so any thoughts on that would also be appreciated.
Thank you for visiting my blog!
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